¶ 314. Discontinuance and Reinstatement of Certified Candidates—1. Discontinuance of a Certified Candidate—Certified candidates may be discontinued on their own request, upon severing their relationship with The United Methodist Church, or upon action to discontinue by the district committee on ordained ministry. The district committee on ordained ministry shall file with the conference Board of Ordained Ministry a permanent record of the circumstances relating to the discontinuance of the certified candidate.
2. Reinstatement of Certified Candidate’s Status—Certified candidates whose status has been discontinued by a district committee on ordained ministry of an annual conference of The United Methodist Church shall only be reinstated by the district committee of the district in which they were discontinued. When approved by the district committee on ordained ministry, their certified candidate’s credentials shall be reissued and they shall be eligible to continue the process.
From The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church - 2016. Copyright © 2016 by The United Methodist Publishing House. Used by permission.